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Sat 10th Feb

I have decided to get a forum for my news. It's getting boring trying to keep this updated. Oh well. I tried it....... The idea of writing the news on a forum might not work either? But it's something else to try. 

and here it is: This is what I will be using from now on:

Friday 11th January

Got an email today..... "U are so big headed. Where do u get off boasting about all ur ex-girlfriends. U r the biggest loser this world has ever seen. Get alife and stop thinkin ur sum kind of comedian coz ur nowt but a waste of space" Off some geezer called Bob Grant Havn't got a clue who he is, but he made me laugh :) he he he. It's my life, my website, so I can do what I want. So There !!! lol....

Thursday 10 January

Got the following TUNES! 

FridayNightPosse.com_Harry Hards HardTranceMix_Sep2001.mp3

FridayNightPosse.com_Harry Hards HardHouseMix_Aug2001.mp3 I wouldn't class it as Hard House, but it's rather good :)

FridayNightPosse.com_PVDvsJK.mp3 An old FNP tune, only just got it.

Wednesday 09 January

Picture Update! added some pics of Gaz's X Birds Obvioulsy I don't have pics of all the girls I have been out with, me beeing the super stud that I am lol !! There's just a few that I do have pics of for you to laugh at :)

Friday 04 January

A Great Day! Enough was enough, too many system crashes had to format C:\ and install windowz again. Just setting everything up again now, quite pleased with myself coz I have managed to get Audiogalaxy working again :) So can download some TUNES! While I was installing the essentials - Winamp I dug out some old pug ins. Tried for hours to get the cross fading one to work, but no luck :( Decided to look on winamps site and was glad to see a new version and it works a treat :) Now I can leave my tunes playing to mix themselves :) no more annoying gaps. Finally got round to putting an Emulator CD together, Studly gave me a head start with the CD he sent me, I have just added a Speccy, Amiga and a few other emulators + Roms and it's looking good. The hard bit was deciding which games to put on it.

Wednesday 02 January

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2002 Here we go! 

Yep I have just made it through another 

year, managed to fail my first year at Uni, get finished by the only girl I was ever really bothered about, dad lost his job and so did my sister. So how can things get much worse? I have been on a bit of a downer lately, the cold dark wet days arn't much fun. But I'm determined to make 2002 a corker. My Resoultions are to Go out and get drunk more and shag more fit birds! 

Plans For The Site:

This News page often gets neglected so I'm just not going to bother, will just update it whenever I feel like it. Also I am doing "Internet" at Uni this term, I have no idea what it involves, but if there's web design in there expect to see a few cool changes. Even if they don't teach us about web site design I'm going to have another go at learning myself flash to make it look a bit better.

At the moment I'm still Ill after boxing day night, God know's what's up with me? Must bee too much beer and too much food, and cold weather. Just downloaded Alex In Wonderland, and Alex FM Christmas mix, there both cool mixes. Also been messing with emulators quite a bit lately, so now I'm after some playstation games since I have finally got a PSX emulator that works OK.  

2002 January

2001 November October September August July June May April March


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