November 2001
Sunday 25th
Site: Added a new background I made to a few of the pages. Uploaded a few .mod files which you can find in the music section.
Saturday 24th
Watched The Mexican (Brad Pitt & Julia Roberts) Very slow and boring, didn't rate this film much at all.
Site: Updated the Downloads page.
Wednedsay 21st
Feeling a little better today. Watched the latest Futurama epiode off which cheerd me up a bit.
Tuesday 20th
Felt terrible all day. Didn't even get dressed. keept going back to bed all day long.
Monday 19th
Went to opticians for a check up. Then when I got home I was freezing. I even had my coat on in the house and the heating was on. Managed to wash my car. Which was probably not the best idea coz I was really suffering after that, just couldn't get warm. Watched Shreck (Kiddies films, slightly funny but don't spend money on watching it), Bridget Jones's Diary (Supposed to be the girlie film of the year or summet. I thought it was a bit pants really) and Reservoir Dogs (1st time I had seen this. Took some thought to know what was going off) coz I was too ill to do anything else.
Sunday 18th
Watched The Fast and the Furious after getting home from a mad day at work. Was quite cool. Would have been even better if the version I saw was a pre-screener that was out before they put the music over it. So there were a few scenes that could have been better. Nice cars though.
Tuesday 13th
Music: Got Marc Et Claude - Tremble (Safri Duo Remix).mp3 and Flatcap & Wippet - Tasty Bugger.mp3 off There both worth getting.
Monday 12th
Music: Got Joy Kitikonti - Joy Energizer Thanx to VoodooMan Also
unknown_-_in_my_dream Is worth getting off Shadow-Zone
Was reading some stupid Dj interview somewhere on the web and thought the reply to this question was amazingly funny :)
Friday 09
Web Site: Added a new Link to The "Music Links" Section Top Top Top Club MP3 Site, Classics like Yazz - the only way Is up (2001 Mix).mp3 and DJ Quicksilver Vs Shaggy - Boonmbastic.mp3. I have tried to add an "InLive" Status thing to my site, but for some reason it only shows up as one user being on all the time?
Friday 09
Funny Website: Thanx BadBoy. Now we can all see what our favourite celebs would look like it they were 20 stone heavier ! Crazy stuff, but funny :) They look like most of the women in Worksop.
Films: Finally made American Pie DivX thanx to Dave
Music: Got Marc et Claude - Tremble (Cj Stone remix) It's a TUNE and a half ! I had never heard this before I downloaded it and it's just amazing!
Thanx to Jim Jim AKA DJ Swipe I now have Riva Feat. Dannii - Who do you love now, Ian Van Dahl - Will I (Lange & Coast 2 Coast Remixes). There all here if you want em: Username: Password: nintendo
I have also started a new mailing list just for MP3s and new tunes etc because people on my mailing list are complaining and saying I'm sending them crap! But how can Marc et Claude and Ian Van Dahl be classed as crap? These people must be sad. Join Gaz's Dj Mailing List
Thursday 08
Signed up on Galaxy 105s
Dating section. Yet another place to get my ugly mug on the web
Monday 05
Went to Leeds with Lowey then went out with Chris, Timmo and their room mates. See the pictures here.
Sunday 04
Added a few more pictures from last Mondays night out bowling and the Zone night club.
Updated some of the sites I have made for people and made some new ones. Look in my links section.
Music: Finally got angelic-stay_with_me on MP3. It's been out ages now but it's a cool tune.
Saturday 03
Went to the cinema with Dave and Dhanni. Saw Jeepers Creepers. Not a brilliant film but worth a look if you havn't got owt else to do.
Friday 02
Got the new version of ICQ - 2001b The new Shared Files feature lets you share a directory on your computer with friends on your ICQ Contact List. Now I don't have to remember to start my server for you to download files off my hard drive.
Watched Peal Harbour. Not a bad film. Also watched A.I. which was complete rubbish.
October September August July June May April March 2001