Gaz's News

 June 2001




30.06.2001 Saturday

Went down town with Lowey and Timmo. Looked at a few holidays. Nothing booked yet. 

Gear box has packed in on the car, it won't go in reverse. Going to cost a fortune for a new one.



28.06.2001 Thursday

Started putting my server back on Check it out. Type in "GazUK" to see loads of my stuff (That's if I am on-line at the time).



27.06.2001 Wednesday

Worked my first shift for the summer at Langold Country Park Lifeguarding.

Did three 800m splits on Valley track with Matt and Andy.

Went to Top House with Andy got a little drunk.


Thanx Danny Knight ! Your tune I Will Love In Seven Cities Again.mp3 almost made me cry! It's just fantastic !!!! You can't believe how good Solar Stone Seven Cities sounds on a boat drinking Sanmiguel watching the sun go down with two of your best mates in Ibiza is. If you havn't been go there!

Got Martha_Wash_-_Raining_men_REMIX.mp3 Thanx to the Friday Night Posse boys. I heard this first in SteveKellyMay2001 mix, been searching for it ages. At last I have it it's HUGE !



26.06.2001 Tuesday

Went to Top House for a few with Andy. Had a talk with Kirsty Keept telling me how much she loved her new boyfriend. Thanx for that.



25.06.2001 Monday

Downloaded Fragma Mix CD March 2001 form Not bad at all

Started making an MP3 CD to play at work on Friday for the 6th Form leavers do.

If U can get on Hard Drive One you can see the tunes that are going on it.



24.06.2001 Sunday

Added my CD drives to my server. Now you can get into both hard drives, and both CD drives. Download anything you want. Im only on a 56k modem but stuff resumes if you use gozilla or getright.



22.06.2001 Friday

Went down Worksop with Gladdy. Saw that prick Paul who tried to kick me down the avenue stairs. Good job the right oppertunity didn't arise or I would have kicked his head in!



21.06.2001 Thursday

Went round Worksop with Lowey and Chris. 

Anyone have Galaxy 105 on last nigh?  Alex Peppers "In The Mix at 9" Was probably his best ever. He played most of the tracks on his June 2K1 Mix which is just BANGING!

 Alex Pepper is Galaxy 105!


The Site: 

I have changed the chat room. Now I get a notification on screen when anyone goes in. Thats better isn't it? 

    Got my server up and running again :) Now you can see what's on one of my hard drives. The downloads even resume (If using a download manager such as Gozilla or Getright) so get some MP3s. If There's anything you want just let me know I will put it on the hard drive.

Just found out I can add more than 1 directory.

Try For the other hard Drive.



20.06.2001 Wednesday

Went to the gym and who should walk in but my long lost buddy Nick Kay! He is going in the Marines so if beefing up a bit. Watched Street Fighter Alpha The Movie. Could have been miles better. Not too bad though. The soundtrack lets it down loads - There isn't one.



19.06.2001 Tuesday

Went to the gym. Dave came round, we did a bit of work on his web site. There's still loads to do. Found out if I want to go back to Uni next year I have to do the first year again and can't change to a differen't course. Now I'm a bit pissed off. Saw Kirsty walking through town holding hands with her new boyfriend



18.06.2001 Monday

Got a phone call off Lorie asking me if I wanted to go and visit up in Scotland for the weekend. Would go but I'm working just about everyday. Next time I will definately go and visit.



17.06.2001 Sunday

Met Lauren at last! Matt Barnett asked me if I wanted to go paint balling with them on Friday but I'm working unless I can change shifts.



16.06.2001 Saturday

Finally downloaded Alex Pepper June 2K1 Mix. 74 minutes of music only took THREE DAYS on my 56k modem! There is some cool tunes on it though. Irridium - Command Me (The one that samples the film Gladiator), a cool Ian Van Dahl - Castles In The Sky Mix and even Doctor Who Theme tune techno style Nice mixing Lx



15.06.2001 Friday

Recovered from Thursday night. Went to the gym with my dad.



14.06.2001 Thursday

Went down Worksop with Chris, Lowey, Matt, Lindsay, Clare, Swallow and Paul. Had a top night Spoke to Kirsty on the phone. Can't remember what was said, but I still miss her Saw Dhanni in the avenue. I'm surprised I got out alive! It was scary!



Finally downloaded dj delirium mtc 2k1 - horny beats vol 9 mtc 2001 from Audiogalaxy Its 72 mins long, no wonder it took a long time! It was worth it though.



12.06.2001 Tuesday

A bit of good news at last ! Im back on line for free !! Well £15 a month. I'm glad Worldonline finally got round to sorting it out! I only did 4 hours at Bondhay today, it was dead so I was sent home early Didn't go to the gym, was too busy catching up on lost net time and downloads.



11.06.2001 Monday

My Mobile has been cut off The number I am now using is: 07718949382

    Worldonline are supposed to be sorting my account out. Hope its not too long before Im back on-line.

Joined the friends reunited Website. It lets you see who used to go to the schools you went to, the year they left and some info about them.


10.06.2001 Sunday

Swallow brought me his Arcade machine round with Mark. Shame I can't get it working Went to Swallows for a BBQ. It was freezing again !! Never mind, I was still plastered! Here's a few pictures The dog biscuits didn't taste that nice.



09.06.2001 Saturday

My legs were killing after all the running I did on Friday. I went for a 4 - 5 mile run with Matt Barnett. took 40 mins. I was nackered. Matt is miles fitter than he used to be (or I'm really un-fit), I was struggling to keep up!



08.06.2001 Friday

Went on Valley Track with Matt Barnett did three 800m splits. Went to Apple 2 with my dad. Ran to Worksop and back.



07.06.2001 Thursday

My Free internet number doesn't work. I have phoned worldonline and there supposed to be sorting it, but until I can get on for free again I won't be on line much.



05.06.2001 Tuesday

Started back at the Apple. The beer belly will be gone in no time Dave has some new machines as well.

Got a car kit for my new MP3 CD player. Just need to fix it in place now. Its mint, I wish I had bought the MP3 CD player when I first saw them. I'm well impressed with it!

There's a new woman called Julie working in the kitchens at Bondhay. She seems OK.



04.06.2001 Monday

Uploaded some of the pictures from last night at Clare and Lindsay's Birthday BBQ Click here to have a look. That's if Bravenet isn't still down. If it doesn't work come back later, they should have fixed it by then. Not much I can do except upload them somewhere else.

    My Mp3 CD player finally came! 



03.06.2001 Sunday

Went to work after 3 hours sleep. Didn't feel too well Uploaded some of the pictures from last night at Kingdom Click here to have a look.

Went to Clumber for a bit of a BBQ after work. Then went to Clares house for more beer



02.06.2001 Saturday

E.mail is working again Found out I will be working at Bondhay everyday next week except Friday See this page to see when I will be there and everywhere else.

Went to Kingdom, Sheffield with Lindsay, Clare and all their mates. Was a good night. The club wasn't as good as people had made it out to be. Then again everywhere in England seems pathetic after you have been to Ibiza. Everyone kept saying how big Kingdom was!? That's crap. They need to go to ManUMission to see how big a real club should be! 



01.06.2001 Friday

Moved out of my room at Uni, handed my key in and everything. 

    My E.mail stopped working Hope its not broke for long. I havn't checked it since yesterday. 

Went round to see Kirstys when I got back from Uni. She just wants us to be mates.

Talked to Lauren & I'm meeting her next week

    Got my new passport back so at least I can go back to Ibiza if things get sorted.



Got some tunes off Danny Knight. Cheers mate. There sound

May 2001 April 2001 March 2001