30 October 2001 Tuesday
My Dad started his new job driving to Scotland every night delivering bread.
Music: This is a really cool trancey tune web-_mornings_(extended_mix)
29 October 2001 Monday
Went to Sheffield on the Bondhay bowling trip. Got very drunk and ended up at a club called the Zone in Rotherham.
Added www.purefm.org DJ Badboys Site to the Music Links page.
Got Iio_-_Rapture Riva Mix From www.Gaz1.com Well Worth getting.
angels_reverse-dont_care__delerious_full_effect_mix-promo_vinyl off ShadowZone
28 October 2001
Added Tomo's Site to my Music Links page. Got his latest tune: Tomo vs Loopfish - Mixdown (TomoClubRemix) Not bad at all.
Thanx Barny for this: http://pages.cthome.net/bpgalvin/bin.swf Bin Ladin flash song.
Also found the New Ali G clip as him as an Austrian Reporter on www.lando.co.uk
20 October 2001
Made a new tune: LSG Project - DjGazMix Will be available for download soon. Or get it off me via ICQ. If you don't like hard fast stuff then it isn't for you.
19 October 2001
Updated my Links section.
18. October 2001
Bought Hard House Euphoria. The best track on the two CDs is Heavens Cry - Till Tears Do Us Part (Flash Harry Remix). Banging!
Thanx Corrie for the link to this site where you get to shoot BinLaiden. It's no better or worse than the others. There starting to get boring now.
Got three new films thanx to Wagg. Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles x2VideoCD. Pearl Harbour x3videoCD A.I x2videoCD
I have been busy downloading movie clips from http://www.pocketmovies.net
Check out the trailer to 20th Century Fox's new Film - Ice Age. Looks like it could be amusing. Also if you havn't seen it yet since I mentioned it in the last e.mail get the "Killer Bean 2" off that site. Its quite cool.
All the previous people I mentioned in the last e.mail still owe me money. Noel Still owes me £20 for the CDs he never sent. And I have payed the £700 Rent money so now
I'm completely skint :(
I have another redirect URL for my site thanx to Wagg
Hello Everyone, just another quick update.
I am using my sisters camcorder as a webcam. Have a look to see what Im doing here:
Sadly the software I have only refreshes the picture every 5 minutes :( Anyone got anything better I can use for the site?
I have been having problems copying DVDs onto VHS. They flash light and dark. However if I convert them to DivX they copy onto VHS OK. Any ideas what I need to do to solve the flashing light and dark problem. Its just like what you get when you try to copy original videos.
I have finally found a room at Uni that has zip drives so I can start downloading stuff again soon! And if you need anything upping just let me know what and where.
Thanx again to Jonny for these totally mad flash clips:
check this out.....
Actual quote made by a Director of Nintendo in 1989....
''Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music''
Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.
Some top tunes on this site:
September August July June May April March 2001