Gaz's News
May 2001
31.05.2001 Thursday
Had my last exam today !
Programming - Failed it though
Went out with Trevor. Good night, I was plastered!
Site :
I uploaded my Miracle Mix to The link is im my music section. Go there and write a review for me will ya?
Top mix of a classic tune. Love it. Shaggy_-_It_Wasnt_Me_(Tony_Kenyon_Extended_Bootleg_Mix).mp3
Top cheese mix
Started downloading coast_2_coast__-_home_(dj_tiesto_mix).mp3 Its bound to be a STORMER !
30.05.2001 Wednesday
Went to the Lock Keeper with mum, dad and Gladdys parents. Got drunk - again. It was the best laugh I have had for ages watching my dad try to ride his bike pissed.
Got Coast 2 Coast - Home (5am Mix) One of the best tunes I have heard for a while.
29.05.2001 Tuesday
OCP swapped my
broken CD drive for me
I have decided I need some cordless Infra-red headphones cos there's allways
someone in bed when I want my music on! Anyone got any !? There's loads to pick
from in Argos, but I have never had any before so don't know what I should get?
Added a counter to the index page. This one doesn't log my visits, so will be more accurate than the last one I had. I also put a chat room on. I will probably hardly ever use it, but lately I have been talking to a few people that don't have ICQ. If you go the the flashing ICQ indicator thing first and send a pager message I will know that your in my chat room and join you.
Update to the downloads page. Theres a video clip of me dooing a bit of mixing on there now DJ Gaz On The Decks Mixing
I have Also Added a FAQ section. I havn't got much in it yet, but you can submit some questions. I will be willing to answer them all. Go here to have a look.
Check out these beauties I found today !!
28.05.2001 Monday
Dave came round, watched Charlies Angels. It has to be the most cheesy film I have ever seen, and everything in it was a rip-off from other films like Matrix and SFII Anim.
Went for a few pints at the Top House with Lindsay, Clare, Mark, Marcus and
Dave. I was plastered
Was going to go to the foam party at the Avenue, but Jay the fool turned his
phone off so I didn't know where he was to meet him.
Found out a cool trick by accident. If you put an autorun.ini file in your hard drive, and set the icon it changes the Icon of your hard drive for you! Nice
Got Pied Piper vs Colaboy-Do you really like seven ways(DJ Leekee Synergy) Its top Cheese ! I love it :) Will go down nice at Lindsay and Clares BBQ next Sunday at Clumber.
27.05.2001 Sunday
Dhanni asked
me out again! I feel sorry for all the lasses I have ever pestered. Now I know
what it feels like when your just not interested.
She just isn't getting the message.
Went to
Gladdys BBQ. Got plastered! Click here
to see the pictures
26.05.2001 Saturday
Bought a Lennox
CD/MP3 Discman £94.77
Will be cool for the summer and all the BBQ's.
Hope its better than that last MP3 player I bought.
Check out the pair
of "Shoes" on this beauty
25.05.2001 Friday
I hate hangovers! Went for a walk into Worksop, picked up Charlie's Angels DivX. Spoke to Dave about Apple Membership. I will be back in training next week!
Went round to Gladdys, sat in the
back garden in the sunshine
Then went and had a few pint at the Lockkeeper. Watched 1st half of England vs
Mexico, England won easily!
24.05.2001 Thursday
Anatomy &
Physiology exam didn't go too well
Escort water tank was empty, don't know what's up with that? Drove back home and
it was fine. Went for a run to Johns house and back down the canal. Have a
massive blister now. Went down Worksop with Gladdy, got smashed
Ended up in the Grafton for a lock in. Walked home down the canal. I don't
believe in ghosts, but it was freaky! I was a bit drunk, but I don't see things
when I'm drunk. It freaked me out!
Updated Favorite Music Page. Been listening to loads of cool tunes lately
Got some Top Old
Tunes Off DJ BadBoy! Cheers mate
23.05.2001 Wednesday
Some fool kept phoning my Uni room phone at about 2 in the morning, then not answering, I ended up having to leave it unplugged! Heard about that Reality TV in America, where contestants have to do dares like lie in pits full of live rats. Cool. I would love to go on that program! I would win it easy.
Had my Electronics exam. Didn't have a clue
Did a bit of revision for the Anatomy & Physiology Exam tomorrow.
Finally got my money back for that MP3 player off Now I have £200 to blow on Beer! Shame I'm not still seeing Kirsty or I would have took her out somewhere nice.
We counted everyone that was left on the same course here at Uni and there's only 8 people left including me still on the same course from about 20 in the beginning! and people I know wonder why I want to pack it in!? I think I have done well to last this long.
Keep listening to Gabrielle
- Rise (MattDareyRemix) I know I should stop thinking about Kirsty but I
Uploaded my Miracle mix to see my Music section to get a working link.
Updated Stuff About Gaz Page again I just keep thinking shit up to put on it.
Put a quick list together of people that are likely to come to my birthday BBQ on 7th July Click here to have a look. Also Fixed my Mailing List Subscription button, so don't forget to put yourself on it!
22.05.2001 Tuesday
Another gorgeous
day! Looks like summers here at last
Wish I wasn't stuck in my room trying to revise for tomorrows electronics exam
Can't wait to go home on Thursday. I'm going to get plastered !!
Got an Email off Kirsty, she has made it clear she isn't bothered about me. So
I guess that's it, were finished
Oh well. I can never keep a girl I like so don't see why I thought I would this
one. Its up to her now, if she wants me she knows where I am. But if she does
decide she wants me she had better be quick because if we leave it and I end up
going out with someone else I wouldn't finish them to go back with Kirsty.
Good news though, my sister has asked me to come with her to Sheffield for her
birthday on Saturday 2nd June. She's hiring a mini bus. and the day after Sunday
3rd June (Her Birthday) her and all her mates are having a BBQ in clumber park. Something
I have always wanted to do so as soon as I finish work will be going to that and
getting drunk!
Updated Stuff About Gaz Page again cos I was even more bored. and I added a favorite films page as well.
21.05.2001 Monday
Had my Sports
Psychology exam, wasn't as bad as expected
I'm really worried about my girlfriend Kirsty
Oh well she either wants me or she doesn't. I have done everything I can, but it
might not have been enough.
Gladdy wanted me to go out with him, but I'm stuck here in my room at Uni.
Updated Stuff About Gaz Page cos I was bored.
20.05.2001 Sunday
Went to work,
visited Kirsty at the Black Lion, went to Kristy's house, it was her brothers
birthday and they were having a BBQ. Managed to get one can of fosters before I
came back to Uni
ready for the sports psychology exam tomorrow. Kirsty is being really off with
me, I don't know what I have done
19.05.2001 Saturday
Went to work, tried
to do some revision for my Sports Psychology exam on Monday. But there's better
things to do like write pointless crap on here
Ended up going down town with my sister. The same lass I got off with the other
night tried to kiss me again, but after what happened last time no one else is
getting close. Only Kirsty ! Talked to Lindsey Foster, she wasn't impressed when
I was taking the piss out of her for being on that Worksop Studios site in the
buff ! Can't believe she is still working at the sandwich factory!
18.05.2001 Friday
Went to Andy's house to try and mend his CD drive, all it needed was a clean mate. Its working now, will bring it back soon.
Made a new tune: Gaz - Raw! Its not my best, just wanted to do something mad!
17.05.2001 Thursday
Had Introduction For Biomechanics exam, wasn't as bad as expected.
Played on the Snes with my sister when I got in from going down town with Andy. Pang, Family Fued, and completed Turtles 4 in Time !! reminiscing about the good old days ! God I feel old now !
Kirsty went to the avenue. Hope she behaved! I wanted to go but no one to go
to the Lingards in Bradford August Mix 2000 with Alex
Pepper, Scott Page and the rest of the
crew. Can't forget Dereck the Dolphin. The poor little thing got kidnapped
16.05.2001 Wednesday
Kirstys is going to
give me another chance! Im on my best behavior from now on ! No more fuck ups
!! Im happy now
15.05.2001 Tuesday
Posted my passport for renewal. Hope it gets back in time for Ibiza if Chris sorts it all out. Were supposed to be going in July sometime if he gets it sorted.
Andy you could come
too if you weren't going to Tibet or wherever with your bird. Be careful mate!
Don't worry about me, I will be back at Uni soon.
Had my hair cut, nearly had it all took off. But didn't quite. Think I might next time though?
"Aunty" Cath phoned me to see if I was ok ! Fuck will everyone stop worrying about me! im fine, really....ish....
14.05.2001 Monday
Did nothing all day
except cry
over Kirsty! Should have gone back to Uni today, but I can't be
bothered to do anything now :( I didn't even leave the house once!
Kamaya Painters vs Shiva (DJY) Everytime I listen to this it gets better! Nice work Geoff. Go to Leekees site, download and vote for it !
Made a CD for
Mark and one of the tunes on it is called missing heart - tears in may.
Kind of appropriate for me
Also had a quick chat with Alex Pepper. Think he has forgiven me now. and some of the FNP people who I managed to piss off ! Sorry everyone.
13.05.2001 Sunday
Kirsty phoned me and
told me it was definately over and she never wanted to see me again. Well I
tried my best. But it wasn't good enough
Im more upset about fucking things
up this time then I ever have been! I can't believe I found a girl I love
and was so stupid and throw it all away
Think I will go jump off a bridge or
Went to Swallows Barbique! If Kirsty hadn't finished me it would have been one of the best weekends this year! Can't wait till next weekend if it's still sunny. Theres no way I am driving next time. I would give anything for Kirsty to get back with me so I could take her, there's nothing like watching the sunset and drinking a beer with a girl you love. Ibiza 2001 will be mint! Ibiza has the best sunsets in the WORLD !! Made me cry almost last time!
12.05.2001 Saturday
Took some flowers
and chocks to Kirstys to say sorry for what I had done and try to make up but the lass isn't havning none of it
I have never bought flowers before, it was right scary!
Went round to Johns, had the first Barbique of the year
finished off the
Grolsh I bought him for his birthday then went out for tea with mum and dad.
11.05.2001 Friday
Kirsty Finished me
again! Im really gutted. I loved
that lass. Im really sorry I let that lass kiss
me last night, Kirsty still got off with some bloke when she wen't to Sheffield
though. So I don't see why we should split up?
Got an E.mail off
Friday Night as follows:
"Well well have all heard about what Gaz has been up to so i'm having to
re-think about how i'm operating the ListBot" Hope there not on about me?
DJ_Wilko posted this link about me, its the same as the one Andy did a bit back.Still made me laugh, but they could have at least got my name spelt right !
10.05.2001 Thursday
Went down Worksop with John. Ended up in the avenue and this lass called Zoe kissed me.
Watched Starwars -
Phantom Menace Im sorry to say its one of the worst films I have seen in a long
09.05.2001 Wednesday
Went to Grafton with John.
Don't think the ICQ
on-line notifier thing is working anymore
08.05.2001 Tuesday
Still not had my money back for the MP3 player I sent back to
Re-installed Windows on the home PC. So anyone on ICQ say hello so I can put you back on the list. Cheers.
Im not sure if I am using the right dial up number for
? The one on the site doesn't work, its allways engaged ! Well I will soon
find out when the phone bill comes. Also I can't get into the "My
Account" section on their site because I don't know what my username and
password should be. The ones I had before it changed to Tisclai no longer work
Grab these while
there here and Thank Andy B! Also I Got on the Proper
mailing list
They send you links to trax hosted on Stormys server. Well
pleased with that.
07.05.2001 Monday
Kirsty did her Biology Woodlouse experiment. Crazy girl !
Noticed I had a proper link on DJ Leekees site.
Thanks mate
The E.mail
Newsletter ListBot sign up button isn't working
Will have to fix it soon.
Music: Got FridayNightPosse.com_BongoMaddyAlive.mp3 Been after this for ages !
SClub7-DontStopMovin`(JewelsAndStoneMix).mp3 - I reckon it sounds Identical to the Original, but Kirsty says it isn't.
Found this site:
02.05.2001 Wednesday
Came back to Uni.
Bought some CD labels and ink and stuff from SVP Communications
Music: Got my MP3 player today. Its OK but it goes all distorted when you turn it up. Sounds crap in every stereo I have tried it on. Not too bad in the car, but for over £200 I expected it to be better so will try and get my money back. Think I will get the Lennox CD/MP3 Discman off SVP Communications instead.
01.05.2001 Tuesday
Didn't go back to Uni. Went to the Ship with John, Kirsty and Debbie for the quiz.
Music: Fixed my car stereo(ish) The Amplifier and the speakers on the back shelf are working again now. The only problem now is the exta amplifier makes the wine from the alternator even louder. There's allready one supressor on it, think I need a better one? Uploaded all 16 tracks in Low quality samples I made from Lukes Slammin' Vinyl CD. Download them HERE.