March 2001
31.03.2001 Saturday
Sick but funny website: You shoot a catapult at poor little putty cats in the Flash game. (Thanx Mark)
Music: has some new tunes on it.
FridayNightPosse.com_WaitingForDoohNight_(FinalMasteredVersion) - Been on Glaxy since Xmas but its cool.
FridayNightPosse.com_ProdigyVsUKGold_NoGood - Another old one, but its good :) I finally have it on its own and not in a mix.
JDS vs Warp Brothers (DJ Leekee Synergy) - Cool Remix of Warp Bros phat tune. Supposedly not a copy of Josh Wink higher state of conciousness, but its pretty close.
30.03.2001 Friday
Broke up for my 3 week Easter holiday today!
Got Gerontophile_WhatDoYouDo(Original) off Its a bit shit :(
However I visited for the first time. The tunes I have got from there so far are class! :
OldSkoolMixDJLeekeeMix - Very cool :)
SunscreemVsMWNNDJLeekeeSynergy - WOW !! TUNE !!
Trevor and Simon vs Candi Staton-You got your hands up in ther air (DJ Leekee Synergy) WOW WOWOWO!! Even bigger TUNE !! Love this and there's bucket loads more to get off ! Go visit it now !!
29.03.2001 Thursday
Wend down the Point with Jamie got plastered :) One of my flat "mates" were up at 5am banging about and woke me up :( Not best pleased !
28.03.2001 Wednesday
Watched all Futurama series one and two ! (Thanx for the CDs Darkforce)
Joined the Worksop Town Forum.
The Site:
Added the weather thing to the index page and one to the Uni page. Don't know why it's allways pissin it down here :( Updated Links and Music Page. Added no right click javascript to almost every page (Thanx for the code Pepperami). Its not cos I don't want you to right click. It just makes the site look slightly more interesting. If there's anything you can't get because of it like pictures, just say and I will give them to you. Also added little text popups when your pointer is over pictures and links. Still thinking of sarcastic comments to fill them all with :)
26.03.2001 Monday
Didn't go to psychology statistics exam.
The Site:
Updated Favourite Music Page. Theres still loads more tunes to add.
25.03.2001 Sunday
Nearly crashed the car on the way home from work, was going too fast and tried to stop in the rain, just skidded a bit. Managed to keep control so no damage done. Thank God.
Got kicked out of Dawgz forum & FTP because of my views on gay men. Oh well Im not bothered anyway seeing as I found out half the Tuffcub lot are benders :( I don't want to be associated with them!
Asked Kisrty out from Bondhay. Going out with her next week :)
Got ingo_-_ingo_-_play_it Never heard of ingo before and not suprised cos its not that good.
24.03.2001 Saturday
Got all Futurama episoed from Season 1 and 2 on 2 CDs thanx to Darkforce. Saves me finding them all on the net.
Got the following today, and if your a member of Tuffcub / Dawgz Don't worry I am not trading or selling these.
SLDGettingOut not as good as FFrogwai's mix but still a decent tune
SouthsideSpinnersVsJuniorJack-MyLuvstruckFeelings(DjShadeRemix)(Remasted) Its the same as the mix Voodooman AKA Danny Knight claims to have made? I havn't got his on this computer so can't compare them but it sounds preitty close.
Stormtronic_Presents_-_Urban_HearSay_-_Some_Pure_And_Simple_Justice This is cool :) The bit in it that keeps saying stormtronic sounds shitty and spoils it a bit, but apart from that its good.
mirrorball-given_up-olav_basoski_mix-bpm Doesn't come close to the Original Mirrorball Given up classic, but its still not bad.
FNPVsSledger_RockinToTheMusic(BlackBootyMix) Not one of FNPs better mixes :( But they can't all be good, its still beter than most trax out there.
Dc0de Trance Mix March 2001 I only got the first 15 minutes today, it sounds cool so far !!!
Krazy Kidz - Funky Rhyme (Moz Morris Mix) Not bad, nowt special either.
23.03.2001 Friday
The Site: Mirlacle Mix is working as MP3 download now :)
22.03.2001 Thursday
Got an e.mail off a strange girl who has been posting messages on my forum. She seems to think I love myself or something !? Well it made me laugh, all you people that know me will know Im nothing like Chibby! Now there is a lad that loves himself (sorry mate you know its true).
The Site:
Got the Java code to pre-load graphics, thanx to Cole. So when I figure out how to use it, the main page should allready have loaded by the time you get in there if you enter the site from the index page.
Added a few pictures here and there. Added a sound clip to Music Page when I find some more and if this works I will (try) to make the site more interesting.
21.03.2001 Wednesday
Snowed today here at Nottingham! Watched Jaws 3, Classic film but the effects were so naff :(
The Site:
Added some Java Script to make a circle logo spin round the mouse pointer on my Music page and wrote a little about clubs I have been in.
19.03.2001 Monday
No lectures at Uni today, walked into town & went shopping got a CD labeling kit. Watched South Park Movie, but fell asleep half way through. I have taped it if anyone wants to borrow it.
18.03.2001 Sunday
It was well busy at work today ! Saw Hayley for the first time after she sacked me :( Met Corrie after talking to her on ICQ. Borrowed South Park The Movie off John. Got pissed on Dads home brew and chilled out in front of the TV.
Got a good Rom & Emulator site off Studly the link will be in my members section soon.
Thanx Studly for the Colour Gameboy Emulator. It doesn't work too well on this PC at home, will have to try it on the other. The N64 Emulator will be cool too when I get some Roms.
Thanx Ben for the link to some Good DivXs and stuff will get em soon.
Cole Just uploaded the Crack to take off the ICQ banner adds :) Works a treat !
Heard Andi Durrant on Galaxy 105 play Delerium - Silence the chilled out mix. He said not many people could get hold of it, its the one with the Monks chanting. Well I have it if anyone wants it?.
Downloaded ApoptygmaBerzerkVsEddieAmadour_KathysRising(DjShadesRemixEdit) Very cool :) Thax to whoever posted the link in Dawgs forum, can't remember sorry.
For some reason I have been playing Agnelli & Nelson - Every Day (Lange Remix) All day! Never noticed how good it was before, if U havn't got it your missing out!
I have just noticed the beginning of Art of Trance - Madagascar (Cygnus X Remix) Sound one hell of allot like Lost Whitness - Seven Colours. What do U think ? Listen close to the background. Mixing opertunity me thinks :)
Downloaded Windows Media Encoder because I was told it could make .asf files, but I havn't figured out how to yet ? Have just been told windows media tools from Microsofts site will encode .asf so going to get that now. Bugger! Media tools is the sub directory for what I just downloaded. Back to square 1. Cole just told me I need Windows media tools 4.1 Just waititng for him to get it to me now.
17.03.2001 Saturday
Watched this Flash movie Do U remember the Megadrive game ? I wanna make some flash stuff ! (Thanx for the link Studly).
My sister fell off her moped and broke her arm today !
Found out how to overclock my CPU will have a go sometime thanx Perkie :)
The Site:
Added Link to Good place to get DivX and Video CDs
Added a link to Good place to get cheap video CDs.
Added a link to Friday Night Posse Web site - been back a few weeks now :) Nothing new though :(
Thanx for this link Tony Its suposed to resume Napster downloads. Not tried yet, but you can get movies and pictures and stuff on it too ! Its cool. Found Street Fighter II The animated movie on it and some episodes, but at home on a 56K modem couldn't get owt :( But have contacted the person that has the stuff so if he is cool I will get it when I go back to Uni.
16.03.2001 Friday
My Mobile has been cut-off yet again :( Good job I have a spare one. My new numbers 07718949382. Went out last night down the Point with Trev and everyone. Well done Trev for winning the balloon competition although the shamrock was a bit shit! We all know Coxy has a tight ass now for winning the coin dropping comp. Didn't want to get up this morning :( But made it to the CFS lecture Trev didn't U slacker! Watched Ali G on comic Relief and taped the interview of him with Posh Spice and Beckham. Let me know if U missed it, I can lend you the tape ( I recorded the Borat Special the other night too, its a MUST see).
At last! is back open (more or less). Sadly the forum isn't working yet, there's no shop.
DJToot_MrSavvas(ClubMix) is nice and hard, nothing special though. But the best one on TC at the minute.
DJToot_TransitionalShit is a bit boring don't bother downloading it :(
Coley_Floorburn A nice bit of old school revival. Have heard better though.
:( Hope it gets back to Members only soon and some decent tunes get put on.
Got Mario Piu aka DJ Arabesque - The Vision off Yes It is an old one but realised I didn't have it. Also Perpetuous Dreamer - The sound of goodbye (Armin Van Buuren basic instinct remix) is worth getting off Luvdup.
15.03.2001 Thursday
Decided to make this news page. Doubt anyone will read it. I never have the time to read anyone else's. I will probably get bored and forget about it, but lets see how it goes. I downloaded ICQ Surf, not used it much but looks cool.
The Site: Added a few links buttons, looks a bit better now. I used to make them. Still sorting the members section, passwords are available now if you want one? Think Tripod has stopped the downloading of files ? Will have to check this out.
Music: on its way back :) Tried to get some mixes of But its Just way too slow :(
Downloaded some tunes from My fave tunes off there are:
Norman Bass - How U Like Bass (Warp Brothers Club Mix) - WOW is all I can say about this one ! Warp Brothers keep gettin better :) Don't let yer mum hear the language in the tune though ! Warning - This tune might blow your speakers up !!
Brooklyn Bounce Vs Safri Duo - Bass Bongo Melody Played Alive (Bootleg) - Well cool I love this one mixing sounds a bit dodgy in places but its still wicked!
Taiko Vs Safri Duo - Silence Played Alive (Bootleg) - Not as good as Brooklyn Bounce mix, but I still like it.
The Horrorist - One Night In NYC (Chris Liebing Mix) - Cool story to this one
Avancada - Jump Pump Break (Warp Brothers Terror Horns Mix) - Not as Hard as the Warp Bros other tunes, but its OK.
Cargo - I Want Your Luv (Arpeggio Mix) - I really like this one :)
Gitta Vs Rozalla - Everybodys Turning Back (White Label) Classic bootleg :)
Samantha Mumba - Always Come Back (DJ Disciple Mix) My sister will like this one, nice and girly :)
Sister Bliss - Deliver Me (Pierre Hiver & M Hammers Flight Over Hamburg Mix) - Best mix of this tune I have heard. Nice and chilled.
Maria Rubia - Say It (Miasma Mix) - Not as good as Maria and Fragma Everytime you need me, but its OK
Eminem & Dido - Thank You Stan (Post Midnight Remix of Almighty Me's Idea) - If U liked that Eminen - Stan track you will love this, sounds allmost the same, but with a touch of Dido.
Lock n Load - House Some More (Steve Thomas Mix) More Hard Stuff :)
Rhythmkillaz - Wack Ass Mutha Fucka (Payback Dirty Mix) - Didn't like it on the radio, but this one has better lryicks :)
Texas - Inner Smile (Stonebridge Classic House Mix) - Good mix although not my prefered type of music.
Also thought these were good off March Section:
(markus shultz) you wont see me cry (deepsky mix) - A good tune ! I like it anyway.
(delerium ft leigh nash) innocente (dj tiesto remix) - This is really chilled, I love it U need to be listening to this while watching the sunset in Ibiza.
(rank 1) many miles too soon - No Vocals, really cool trancy stuff.
Thanx to the following for :
Nu-Nrg - Please Fuck Me - BK (Soundfactory 018) - Tony
DjY vs Janet - Feel You Much - Geoffs Mix