Gaz's News





30.04.2001 Monday

Stayed at Kirstys again :) 


Music: Got Slammin' Vinyl Old Skool Collection off Luke. Cheers mate :)



28.04.2001 Saturday

Had a crap day at work. Was well pissed off to find out half of Bondhay knew Kirsty had finished me before I did!         

    Had a read through some of the Books on the CD Wagg sent me, some interesting stuff. Shame Im packing Uni in so don't really need to know it all now :( Kirsty came round and I think were now back together! I hope so anyway even though she did get off with some other bloke in the Avenue last night, but I can't blame her seeing as it was my fault we fell out.


Music: Finally got to listen to most of the tunes on the CD Joel sent me. Theres some seriously LARGE tunes on it! 

At last I have madonna-what_it_feels_like__above_and_beyond_mix Mr Peppers been playing it a while and Its just the best Madonna mix ever ! was expecting fragma-you_are_alive__warp_brothers_remix to be a bit special but its only average. schiller-das_glockenspiel__dj_tiesto_remix Remember hearing this on Radio 1 a while back, thought it was cool. If you ever get schwarze_puppen-schwarze_puppen__russenmafia turn up the Bass !! Its mental !!! virtuoso-stay_with_me__space_brothers_remix Mr Koglins mix is rather excellent too!  warrior-voodoo__dubby_mix is no where close to Warrior - Warrior still its not that bad really. airheadz-stanley_(here_i_am)__stanley_in_a_trance_mix This one is mint, its not the same as the one on the radio it has an extra vocal bit thats cool :) angel_of_death-angel_of_death__hennes_and_cold_mix This track scares me !! Turn it up loud !!

Theres loads more trance tunes on the CD all of em are BANGING !

MP3 player hasn't come yet :( I thought it might have been here today :(



27.04.2001 Friday

Fitted my new bumber that Kirsty and Luke got for me.

    Kirsty dumped me thanx to Laurens text messages. Im well gutted :( Thought me and Kirsty would be going out for ages. I really loved her.

Went down Worksop with John and Lindsay. Saw the lass from Bondhay who gave me her number, but keept away ! Saw another lass who allways fancied me at school. She said hello and stuff, but nothing else happend. How stupid am I !!!!? Drove to The Black Lion after getting home from town, Kirsty had gone. Then went to her house and found out she had gone into town. Thank God the police didn't pull me up ! I had drank about 12 pint cos I was gutted about Kirsty. Tried to explain that I didn't know the text message thing had upset her so much, but Im no good with words when it comes to that kind of stuff. Any other bloke would have been able to talk himself out of it. Not me though :( So here I am girlfriend less again :( Im Packing Uni in, got no Job, Dad's loosing his job and Im just generally pissed off alltogether now. Oh well. There's got to be someone out there who appreciates me for who I am and what I do. Words don't mean anything to me. If someone told me they were going to kill me I wouldn't do owt untill they actually tried. Thats just me, guess Kirsty doesn't think like that. Im sorry we wasted each others time.

    Thanx Andy for this link: You are so funny Ha ha ha ! 



25.04.2001 Wednesday

Went to the Gyn at Uni for the first time in ages. Its going to hurt tomorrow :(

Slung it down all day so didn't leave my room apart from going to the gym. Have decided Im going to stay at Uni and do the exams. Then look for a job during the summer. Because I know I won't pass. The maths is just beyond me :(

Spent just over £200 on an MP3 player ! I must be mad !! Check it out here : 



Made a "Black List" page for people that rip me off ! Also trustworthy people are on there too.

Made an "Advertisements" page

Made a "Plans Page"

Activated my Worldonline 25Mb web space. Would host my site there, but when I uploaded the index page it all went crazy ! Will see if I can fix it. Cos it doesn't have adverts popping up!



24.04.2001 Tuesday

Kirsty and Luke went to Gool to pick up a bumper for me! Cheers!!

    Back at Uni :( Im really bored and fed up with it. I think I will stick it out 'till the end of the year then get a job. 


Music: Got vincent de moor - I know your dreams off Audiogalaxy its a decent tune :)



23.04.2001 Mondayday

Got a new window wiper pump sprayer and indicator for the car, couldn't find a bumper. Stopped at Kirstys. 

    Dad found out Steetly works will be closing down at the end of October. Early retirement for him then. I was thinking of packing University in, but now I will have to, my parents can't afford for me to go at the moment nevermind when my Dad hasn't got a job. 

    Slept at Kirstys!


Saw this MP3 player. Wish I could afford it! 



21.04.2001 Saturday

Crashed the car into a rockery on Bondhays driveway cos I couldn't see through the windscreen when it was iced up. Smashed the bumper and broke the water pump for the windscreen washer. 



19.04.2001 Thursday

Went to work then round to Kirstys.



17.04.2001 Tuesday

Went to Cleethorpes with Kirsty.



16.04.2001 Monday

Went to work then round to Kirstys.


Site: Updated Picture section.


Music: Found out if you search for GazUK with Audiogalaxy satellite you can see just about every tune I have and download them! Shame Im on a 56k modem :( But the satellite does resume. It works like Napster.



14.04.2001 Satuday

Went down Worksop with Andy, met Kirsty and Debi later Got plastered! Kirsty stayed at my house :)



13.04.2001 Friday

Have been dooing the pool lifeguard course all week. Passed it again and am now qualified for another 2 years. Can't wait for the sunshine so I can work at Langold again!



08.04.2001 Sunday

Had a busy day at work :( Was nackered from the night before. 


Music: I now have all the Polaxed tunes ! Thanx Rich + a few others I didn't have :)

me & my - Fly high (DJ alligator mix) - Cool tune, got it off Audiogalaxy



07.04.2001 Saturday

Went down Worksop with John. Got pissed up and had a go on the Karaoke !



05.04.2001 Thursday


Music: Got some tunes off Kirsty! Thanx babe :) 

Xstasia - Sweetness - Its the coolest tune I have heard in a while!

DJ Alligator Project - Blow My Whistle Bitch - At last Im not stuck with the "Clean Mix" This ones much better.

DJ Alligator Project - Lollipop - This ones funny :) Is there any more DJ Alligator Project stuff out there ?

Coast II Coast - Home - This is an old one. Heard this a few times but was never able to find the name, now I have it Im happy :)

Lost Witness - 7 Colours (Club Mix) - At last ! I finally have the version that I keep hearing in Yateses, Im not sure which version I like best now?



04.04.2001 Wednesday


Site: Made a place to upload some funny pictures. Check it out here.




03.04.2001 Tuesday

Had a contact lens check up. Im wearing them too many hours so they say. Got Water Skiing picture off Barney, will bob it on the site soon mate. Don't know why all the TossaDeMar pictures are so dark on your puter?

    Thanx for the McDonnalds Kirsty :) 
Wend down Worksop Town with Kirsty, John and Lindsay. Got drunk again :) Went to the Avenue with Kirsty. Saw a good fight inside. Nearly got in a fight with Kirstys X. We were walking down the Avenue steps and someone kicked me in the back, it was such a pathetic little kick I thought it was one of my mates messing around, so I turned round and it was this lad having a go. I was about to kick his head in, but then the bouncers came and threw him out. Then me and Kirsty went out side so I thought here we go! But Kirstys dad was waiting for us in the car so I didn't get chance to do owt :( I know who he is now :) Can't wait till I go out in town again havn't had a fight for ages. He's called Paul Barker and is going to get proper kicking when I get chance!


Finally got round to installing Audiogoalaxy Satellite on this PC. Got Vincent De Moor - Fly Away (Don Diablo Remix) - Sounds nothing like the original, its a half decent tune though.

Vincent De Moor - Fly away (Generation X Remix) - Very cool mix no voclas in it though.

Vincent De Moor - Silent dance (Original Mix) - Strange Trancy Tune

Vincent De Moor - Forever - This is a really cool tune!

Amber-Sexual [Acapella].mp3 From Dj Leekee's site



02.03.2001 Monday

Watched Chicken Run with Kirsty :) Funny film in it babe :) Got Street Fighter II V episode 7, Yeah take the piss Im 20 and watching cartoons, sad I know but I have to waste my money on summet. Darkforce: I will post it to U as soon as I have seen it mate.



Uploaded my Pictures section. Loads of cheesy pictures for U to laugh at. Have broke my index page. Theres that much code in it that I don't understand something has gone wrong :( Will try and fix it soon.



01.04.2001 Sunday

Was Mums birthday today.



Uploaded my 1996 holiday photo's from Tossa De Mar, hope your happy now Andy :)



Got Vincent De Moor - Fly Away from Thanx Perkie. Its a cool tune, been out a while don't know how I missed it.



April 2001 March 2001