Got any questions see the FAQ above or visit my instructions page. If your still want to know something just email me
The Weather in Worksop Where I live is:
Other sites Gaz has made: See Links Section
The following is just waffle about myself. I'm not as big headed as it may look.
Hola! Mi nombre es Gareth yo tengo 21 años y vivo cerca de Sheffield, Inglaterra. |
I am 20 years old studying Combined Sciences - Sport and Computer Science at The Nottingham Trent University. I am a Lifeguard at Langold Country Park outdoor pool during the summer.
I was borne and currently live in a town called Worksop, which is sadly going
down hill fast :( Loads of factories has closed down and loads of shops have
gone. The only new things that appear to be doing OK are the pubs
only one night club called The Avenue which plays crap music, sells overpriced
beer, charges too much to get in and it is tiny! But there's no where else to go
unless you travel to the next nearest place which is probably Sheffield. I have
been on the net since 2/12/1998 - when I Bought my First
Senior member of casual bar staff at Bondhay Golf and Fishing Club
Web Design and computer tuition in my spare time.
None, Im free and single.
5 foot 9 inch / 176 cm
Weight: 82 kg June 2001
Hir Colour/Length: Short, dark bron/black
I have
a Mark 4 Galaxy Blue G Reg 1.8 Diesel Escort. Well it's not mine, my dad bought
it and I just drive it
I'm more into computers than cars, but don't mind
helping my dad when I can. That's usually to fix it when I have crashed into
something! The Next car I get will be a Subaru Impretza
& Interests:
beer and going out with my mates
I go to the gym when I have time / can be
bothered. I try to keep fit, but its not been working lately :( I also love
music I have a huge collection of Club, Dance, Trance, Happy Hardcore type MP3s
which I'm proud of. I also do the odd bit of mixing on the PC when I get time.
You can download my best effort so far from my MUSIC
section "Gaz's Miracle Mix" It even got played on Galaxy 105 by Alex
Pepper, I was well chuffed
As you can tell I'm into computers, I remember
getting my Spectrum 128K when I was about 7 years old. Then got an Amiga 500.
Soon after I got a 1200 upgraded it with a hard drive, Ram board, CD drive etc.
At the time it was better than most people's PCs! Then I got a Megadrive on
import from Japan. I loved it. Soon after that I had a Super Nintendo with a
Wildcard so had all the games. I had a Sega Game Gear for a while too, but gave
that to my girlfriend at the time Vicky Toy. Then my sister wanted a PC to do
her school work on. I was happy doing mine on the Amiga. It did more than
enough for me, but when my sister got the PC I bought a modem for it. I almost got on the net with the
Amiga, but it got a little too technical. Since then I
have become addicted to the internet. Don't know what it is, but I can't bare to
be off line and away from ICQ ! Its mad! Im now getting more into programming as
part of the course I'm doing at uni and have been making lots of webpages for
friends, family and local buisnesses.
Things About Gaz:
Sometimes I can be a bit too head strong / pig headed and stubborn. If someone falls out with me there's nothing they could ever say or do to make it up. I would have to forgive them for my own reasons not theirs.
I get really jealous of other blokes when it comes to women. I hated kirsty even
speaking to other blokes weather there interested in her or not. I'm crap at spelling as you can
see (Although I did get a B & C at GCSE English!), also I think I'm dyslexic when it comes to
I hate it!
I can't forget I'm really lazy as well sometimes, especially when it comes to
homework and revising
I have a tendency to pick fights with big people in night clubs, I don't go out looking for fights, but they really piss me off walking round knocking you out the way thinking there really hard, or try to pull your bird. They don't like it much when you knock into them and just laugh at them if they start.
The number of people that have tried to smack me for just smiling is unbelievable !
Things About Gaz:
My ability to smile and laugh at any situation. People that don't really know me
see the outside where nothing ever bothers me. I get on with just about everyone
If I wan't something I usually get it and never give up.
I will try just about anything at least once !
Gaz Prides Himself On:
Determined - If I want something I will usually always get it. I NEVER give up on anything unless I decide I want to. No one ever makes my mind up for me.
Honesty - I try to be as honest as possible with people, and not keep any secrets. This isn't always beneficial to me :(
Bravery - Not much frightens me, I can cope with snakes, spiders, dark caves etc Even talking in front of 100's of people wouldn't bother me, but I do tend to get nervous and often start speaking way too fast if I have to talk or read. I must be brave (or Mad!) to write all this stuff about myself and put it on the internet! Would you do it!? I'm not being big headed here, just refer to the previous point about being honest.
OK I know I'm not ugly, but I'm no model either! Some people call me vain or a poser etc (especially after seeing my web site). But I'm not! Most of the time I'm just taking the piss. If my hair wasn't receding (Thanks Dad!) I might just make it into the good looking category and if I was a little taller (Thanks Mum!).
As for my body - At the moment I'm really ashamed of it
For over a year I haven't
done any proper exercise, have just spent too much time on the internet and drank way too much beer
I am now at least twice as fat as I used to be
and its not good. I'm going to sort myself out soon. Even though drinking will
get in the way this summer I'm going to have a real good go. Its just that I love
beer and food and enjoying myself allot more than I care about what I look like.
I have a really cheesy grin, I used to get called smiler at school cos I was always smiling! I don't half as much these days as I used to - too much stress!!
I have a scar on my forehead from when I tripped over the carpet and head butted the wooden arm on the settee when I was little. I have a small scar above my left eye from the fight I had with Scott Depmsey. I have two scars, one just above my knee and one just below from when I fell off a plank of wood with nails sticking out of it. I have a little scar on my leg from when I stabbed myself with a knife when I was litter. Also when I fell off the my bike at the bottom of sparken hill my right knee and right shoulder are slightly scared. I'm also missing half a tooth from the fight I got in outside the Avenue once, and there's a scar under my right eyebrow from that night too. I have three small scars on my left hand, one from when I was making horseshoes and a tiny piece of red hot metal landed on me, another from where I was sawing some wood, the saw slipped and nearly took my hand of and the last ones from my X Girlfriend Vicky Toy, she thought it would be a good idea to stick the car cigarette lighter on me after it was red hot! There's also a little scar on my left hand side from when my dad gave me a beating because I was tormenting my sister.
I'm short sighted and need glasses but I usually always wear contact lenses. I'm supposed to be color blind too, but the only thing I can't see are the numbers hidden in the dots in those tests you have to do.
I have had my ear pierced. It was just for a laugh, but could still put one in if I wanted. But won't cos I look like a puff. I don't have any rings or a chain or owt, but wouldn't mind some dog tags, they look cool. I haven't got any tattoos, the one on the Ibiza picture was a fake one just for a laugh. I'm thinking of getting a smiley face somewhere, but not that fussed really. I have had my hair died blonde once with my mate Andy Barnett, I looked gay! Think Im going to go for the skin head next.
Broken Bones & Stuff:
I have broke my left arm once when I fell onto the path after bouncing on an airbed in the garden when I was little. I also broke my little finger playing rugby for Worksop. When I was doing allot of athletics I also had a fractured pelvis.
I have head Measles and Chicken Pocks when I was little too.
Favorite Stuff:
As you can tell from this site I'm really into music. I have a list of some of my favorite tunes here. There mainly all Dance / Club trance type tunes. I love big bass tunes and going out clubbing.
I also have a page for my favorite films and actors here:
My favorite
time of year is the Summer. I love it when its red hot ! Love having barbeques
in the garden with my mates and a few beers
I love to have a good fight, I try to keep out of the way of guns and knives though. I really want to have a go at boxing. I tried that Jujitsu stuff at Uni for a bit, but all that rolling around on the floor just isn't my thing.
Drink: I used to drink Larger every time I went out, but was always sick! I now
prefer bitter as long as it's cold. Since Ibiza 2000 I will drink anything and
everything. Before that I would have never touched aftershock, absynth, tequila or owt like that,
but now I will down it all
I would never touch a Kebab before I went to Ibiza, but I love them now.
Favorite place in the world: So far it has to be Ibiza. Gods Kitchen @ Amnesia is the best club in the World!
Perfect Nights:
loads of things I would like to do that make me feel good, but the following
would come near to the top of the list ! (Note - making love with a gorgeous
girl would probably come at the top
What I think of when having a top night is having a cozy candle lit meal with a girl I love. It would be snowing outside and we would cuddle up in front of a big open fire on a wooly rug sharing a bottle of wine and chocolates. That's cool for the winter, but in summer it would be cool to walk down a beach and hold her in my arms while we watched the sunset together. a little fire and some beer would make it perfect!
The above is me being soppy. Other top nights include having a barbeque in the
back garden on a red hot summers day with the music blaring out, having loads
of mates round, loads of fit birds and just chilling out and getting hammered.
(7th July 2001 should sort this one out
I first went to Redlands Nursery, then Redlands School. My Secondary School was Valley Comprehensive. I stayed on there but most of my lessons were at heartland and Portland I did three A Levels in Geography, Biology and Sports Studies. Ended up with three E Grades, only just passed them. After my A levels I went to North Notts College where I did a BTEC National Diploma in Sports Science. I only ended up at college because I didn't want to go to University then and didn't have any idea what I wanted to do? I'm now at Nottingham Trent University, but I can't see it being for much longer.
At Redlands I was always one of the most popular and well liked boys. I think I went out with just about every girl in my year! At Valley I was known for being one of the "Hardest" even though I only ever had one proper fight outside the school gates with a bloke called Scott Dempsey. I was always on the school athletics team and even competed for the county. I used to do Pentathlons - 5 events, but I was particularly good at 400m and the shot put. For some reason I could never throw the Javelin very far? I never bothered with the football team, but I could have been a defender if I wanted to. Valley never had a rugby team or I would have been in that. When I did my A levels at Valley my life changed when I met and fell in love for the first time with a lass called Vicky Toy. She is engaged now and has a kid. Sometimes I wish she had liked me half as much as I liked her. Wish I hadn't met her now knowing what I do.
See my CV for all my results and stuff.
I don't
have any
I would really like a alsatian dog from a pup, but while I'm at Uni and stuff it
wouldn't be fair on my parents. In the past we have had allsorts - Rabbits,
Chickens, Ginny Pigs, Quales, Zebra Finches, Terrapins, Stick Insects, Goldfish,
Cats and a Pony.
Beliefs & Stuff
I don't believe in God. Don't reckon you can come back once your dead. When your gone there's nothing out there. My argument for not believing in god is that there's all this stuff happening in the world - Earthquakes, wars, famine etc. Why isn't something done about it!? Ali G's saying makes me laugh "So God created the world, since then what has he done? Just chilled"
The only person I believe in and trust is myself. Well I trust my Dad too and my best mate Andy. But that's it. No one else. marriage: I hope to settle down, get married and have kids one day. I saw Killroy once when they were on about marage and divorce etc and made it me see how differently people take it. For me that's it, when your married your with that person forever!
I Have Learnt:
Don't fall out with people. Its not worth it. If they are tossers and upset you don't let it bother you. Just forget about them. Don't be miserable. Life is way too short. Try to live everyday the best you can.
When your looking for a girlfriend go out with the ones that like you, not the ones you are after, from my experience the ones that like you stick with you and the ones that never knew who you were till you asked them out don't. If your girlfrined comes from a broken family she is twice as likely to dump you, they allways make excuses about this happend to my mum / dad etc whenever there's something that upsets them.
Things I Regret
Never getting a Vibealite Jacket :( There really cheesy and naff, but I want one now just for the cheese value :)
Never going to a Vibealite Rave, or a proper outdoor rave.
Gaz Wants To Do:
I would love to go Bungee Jumping and Sky Diving. I also want to have a go at boxing. I used to love that programme called High 5 that had all the mad extreme sports on, I want to do just about all of them.
Would love to have a go at proper scoober diving in the sea. I have had a quick go in a pool and it was cool, so bet its amazing in the sea.
I would love to go rally driving and I also want to have a go at firing some proper guns! The biggest thing I have had a go on was a little pellet machine gun at a fair once.
I also want to have a go on a proper racing motorbike, there just so cool.
Go on holiday with [insert Gaz's girlfriends name here]. I want to go to the following places sometime in my life: Canada, America, Australia. I also want to go on one of those survival things you see on the TV living in the jungle. I would love it.
Get married and have kids.
We no longer have a caravan, only the old sprite which is tiny and now falling apart and just full of junk.
The first holiday I had abroad was Salou in Spain. I wasn't very old, but can
remember having a great time in the aqua parks the to years we went there. As a
family we have also been to Tossa De Mar in Spain and Majorca as well as
Portugal. We have been just about everywhere in the UK except Scotland when I
was little in the caravan and bed and breakfasts. We used to go to Flamingo Land
every year. It was great! I have been to Italy with college, but the first
holiday I had with my mates was Ibiza 2000, now that was the best time of my
I would love to go on holiday with a lass, I don't care where, it
would just be cool. I have never been away with my girlfriend and would love to.
My Dads
called Roy who has worked at Steetly almost all his working life has been made
redundant from Steetly brick works. Now he has a driving job delivering bread to
He has a silver R Reg
Mercedes Estate. I don't like it myself, I would prefer something a little more
sporty. My dad used to be the funniest bloke ever, but since we moved house from
Sandy Lane he has been a different person, he is no where near as laid back or
half as funny as he used to be
My Mum is called Beryl and works behind the checkout at Wilkinson's. Mum Worries
about everything way too much. She drives a little red mini which my dad built.
I was insured on it for a while when I first passed my test. Its a well cool
little car
We have another two minis in garages waiting for my dad to get
round to doing them up.
I have a sister called Lindsay who is two years younger than me. She used to work in the electrical department at the Co-Op, after getting kicked out of school 2 weeks before her A Levels for poor attendance. She is supposed to be going in the Army soon? She has a Peugeot Moped and is learning to drive.
Gaz Has Been In:
OK then
here's some stuff that will make you laugh! I used to be in the cubs and scouts,
you must have seen my cheesy pictures!? Shireoaks Scouts in the beginning was
more like a youth club. The camps were excellent, especially when girl guides
were on them too! There were always some good fights too! I will never forget
Sherwood International Camp 1993. I still think about Christina Atkinson from
time to time and can even remember her home phone number! Mad! The Canadian
guides were exceptionally nice . I have also been in the Army Cadets for a
while, but it was completely rubbish. All we ever did was stand in the yard and
stamp our feet. On my wanted Music page theres a bit about my favourite Night
clubs incase your interested?
I used
to have
a gorgeous girlfriend called Kirsty who I loved more than anything and would do
anything for! My best mate is Andy Barnett, even though I went to Ibiza with his
brother Matt instead of going on holiday with him! Sorry mate. Another good mate
of mine is John Gladwin. Him and Andrew don't get on so it's funny if we all go
out together. John isn't boring, but he doesn't do much apart from sit at home
and occasionally go down town. He fell down the steps at the sandwich factory
and has damaged his neck and back so can't do much anyway now. Johns little
brother is called Carl (Nutter!) who I used to go everywhere with, but now he
has a girlfriend he hardly ever comes out and I don't see much of him
Well I had to write some stuff here. Makes me look slightly more interesting (or weird, whichever) it is something else for the website. This whole website may look like its just about me! It wasn't intended to be like this, its just turned out that way. Nothing else interesting to put on it I suppose. When I wrote this I should have been revising for my University Sports Psychology exam, but was too bored. Also I had just got back with Kirsty for the second time and my head was a bit mixed up. Please don't take anything you read her literally. Allot of stuff depends on the situation. I would consider myself to be really easy to get on with. Don't you agree?
This Page's Lat Update: Friday 09 November 2001