Gaz's Fave Films
Akira - Manga Futuristic stuff. Its not as hyper or mad as the other manga stuff. But the animation is cool and the story isn't bad either.
Armageddon - because the soppy sad bits make me cry. Bruice Willis isn't very funny and doesn't come out with many whitty comments like usual. But it's still a decent film.
Braveheart - because I can imagine what I would feel like if the woman I loved got killed. Revenge wouldn't be enough. Top film!
Beavis & Butt-Head Do America - Coolest and funniest film ever!
Braninded - Totally sick zombie film. I had never seen anything like this the first time I saw it. Its mad! Chopping zombies up with a petrol lawnmower in your house is just insane, but its a funny film!
Blade - Top Vampire film
Fighter II The Animated Movie - OK its a cartoon and its possibly my favourite
film ever. The fight scenes have allot to do with it, besides the point I grew
up on street figher in the arcade I must have spent a fortune and met some well
dodgey people in the arcades. The fact its a cartoon is besides the point, the
character Ryu is just the coolest. I would love to look and be just like him.
How sad is that having a cartoon character as an idle!? and the friendship
between Ryu and his sparing partner Ken is how I think of me and my mate Andy.
Were like brothers. Sad sad sad......but hey at least now you know. A mixture of
both Ken and Ryu is how I see myself. You would have to watch the film, play the
games and see the episodes before you could understand what I mean.
Face Off - John Travolta acts hard for a change. Nicholas Cage is just one cool geeza.
From Dusk Till Dawn - When I first saw this film I had no idea what it was about. Didn't even know who George Clooney was. It has the most bizzar twist you will ever see! I thought it was going to be a cool bank robber / gangster type film at first, but then it got stupid with the vampires. That part could have been better, but the fact it's so cheesy just makes it funny. George's character in it is just the coolest bloke in the world. If I ever had a tatoo it would have to be the same as the one he has in that. His sayings are mint aswell like "Is my shit together or is my shit together!?" Its just the way he says it and his attitude that makes him so cool.
Gladiator - like it for the same reason as Braveheart more or less.
Monty Python and the quest for the holy Grail - Makes me laugh ! :)
Ninja Scroll - Top Manga film, allmost as good as Street Fighter.
Point Break - Keanu Reeves is quite cool in this.
Robin Hood - Prince Of Thieves
Star Gate - Cool film, can't stand the stupid episodes on TV.
Snatch - Brad Pitt is cool in this one. Not like Fight Club which I thought was pants.
The Crow - Just because he is right hard!
The Lost Boys - Just cos I love vampire films. This one's a classic.
The Fist Of The North Star - Crazy manga film, nice and gorey.
The Terminator
Terminator 2 Judgement Day
Universal Soldier
WaterWorld - Kevin Costner is a mutant. Cool futuristic film :)
Young Guns - Billy the Kidds attitude is just brilliant :)
Gaz's Fave Acotrs / Actresses
Bruice Willis - well I like loads of films with Bruice Willis in. just because of his attitude and his piss funny sayings. Like in the Die Hard films when he is getting shot at and stuff and starts taking the piss out of his wife. Its just hillarious! Like in Last Man Standing, his way of taking the piss and insulting people is just excellent.
Mel Gibson makes me laugh in films like Lethal Weapon, for the same reasons as Bruice Willis. Mel is a bit more wackey. He is ace in those Mad Max fims.
Eddie Murphy - In Beverly Hills cop and Golden Child the stuff he comes out with is classic!
Julia Roberts - She is just gorgeous. She is getting old now though, but when she was younger WOW!
Gaz's Fave TV Progs
Ali G - He is da man!
Beavis and Butt-Head - There just so dumb it makes you laugh :)
Bottom - Richy & Eddie are funny
The Simpsons - It just makes me laugh everytime :)
Futurama is just as good too :)
X-Files sometimes, some episodes are really cool. Others can be totaly stupid and I think to myself what am I dooing here watching this crap !?
Stuff I don't like:
I hate Star Treck, it's just pants, same as all the other Bablion 5, Deep space 9 crap. Its just absolute toss.
Don't like Buffy or Angel either think them progs are crap too.
Friends isn't that good, but I can just about watch it.
I hate corronation street. Don't like Eastenders much either, but will watch it if I have to. Same for Home and Away and Neighbours.
Other films I have seen and didn't think much of:
Apollo 13 - I fell to sleep watching this
Charlies Angels - Load of rubbish, nice looking gils but thats all there is to it.
Forest Gump - Good acting, good story, not my kind of film though.
Starwars - Phantom Menace - Pants.
The Mummy - Poor film, too stupid to be any good.
My Best Friends Wedding - I got dragged to the pics with a lass to see this crap
Vampire Hunter D - Pants manga film
X-Men - absolute pants.
Mission Impossible
Speed 2
Universal Soldier 2
Films that are OK, but not brilliant.
American Warewolf in London - Scared me when I was little
American Warewolf in Paris - Not as good as in Londo, but still OK
A Bugs Life - Decent film, some funny bits.
Chicken Run - Didn't see much of it. Me and Kirsty wern't too interested about what was
Ded Calm - Gets a little boring.
on the TV.
Lake Placid - Not that exciting
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Funny film, not as good as Snatch
Legend Of The Overfiend - Mad Manga film
Legend Of The Demon Womb - Crazy manga film
Mission Impossible 2
South Park - Quite funny
Toy Story - Tom Hanks voice suits woody
Toy Story 2 - Funny :)
Vampires - Cool film
Stuff I want to see
Guest House Paradiso - Rick Mail and Adrian Edmunson are funny :)
Teminator 3 (Yes there is one being made)