Gaz's Plans
At the moment I am undecided weather to continue at University next year? If I fail (which I think I will at the moment) I will get a job. If I manage to somehow pass I will have a go at the second year. I will live at home and coomute to Nottingham everyday. I did have a house sorted for next year, and know it would probably be a better year than this. But I can't afford it as it is. Especially not not now my dad will be loosing his job :( Besides, I miss my family and friends too much when I'm away.
This Summer:
Work at Bondhay behind the bar and at Langold Contry park lifeguarding. If I fail my Exams at Uni I will be looking for a full time job. After the summer is over Im going to try anything and everything.
Im getting back in shape too. As soon as I finish at Uni Im going to the Apple to see what I can sort out with Dave, I will be in the gym everyday and out running. This time Im going to get massive! I will still be drinking, but will be doing more weights than I have ever done! Look out Ali Coggan, I will be as big as you mate soon. My sisters training for when she goes in the army so that will motivate me helping her out.
I know I said I was going to do this after Ibiza 2000, when I got to Uni. But Uni wasn't like I expected.
Next Year:
Continue at Uni if I pass the first year? Might even start the course again or do a different course. Im thinking about joining the Police Force, or possibly joining the Marines? Don't really know yet but want to pack university in soon. Otherwise I would like a job to do with computers.
My overall goal is to enjoy life. Im only here once and not coming back so had better make the most of it. The plan is to live every day the best I can and enjoy myself no matter what's happening.
Get a job, settle down and get married to Kirsty. Get a house, Get a
dog. Have some kids. Live
happy ever after
Web Site:
Add a Chat page. I nearly put one on at the beginning, but thought it wasn't woth it because everyone I knew had ICQ. But there's a few people that havn't so might add one.
Add an Emulation section for all my favorite old games.
Set up my server again as soon as I get on the net for free (well its costing £15 a month for unlimited use)