Dj Gaz's MP3's




Important ! All the MP3s on this site are not originals - they are either remixes by me, or the quality has been reduced. Therefore I am not infringing any copyrights. Please fell free to use the links and share my mixes with everyone.



Click here to buy Dj Gaz's Mix CDs.


The latest tunes I have been getting & where to get them from.


A list of Gaz's favorite MP3 and DJ sites on the web.


Gaz's Fave Tunes: Look Here to see what my fave tunes are.


Please look at my "Wants Page" You may have some tunes Im after.


DJ Gaz On The Decks Mixing - Quick Time Movie Clip


Dj Gaz's Friday Night Posse Tracks








Gaz's Miracle Mix

Click Play to Listen to Gaz's Miracle Mix!


 It was played on Galaxy 105 by Alex Pepper!

( I got the original off Dj Elmo. I Speeded it up and Doubled it up)


World OnLine


Trax In Space

Jan 2001


Gaz's Miracle Mix Galaxy 105 Clip

It was Mr. Peppers New Tune Of The Week !!!! Here him actually say it lol...

(Mr. Pepper noticed the double up in the middle :)



Left Click 1st!

(Rename to .exe)

Jan 2001


Gaz's 666 - Devil Mix

A little harder and faster than the original !!!

(If you have the original, don't bother getting this)



Feb 2001

Slammin Vinyl

16 Tracks Old Skool Collection


01 - Bad Boy

02 - Wind It Up

03 - Time To Get Ill

04 - Watch This!

05 - Big Up Your Spli*ff

06 - Touch SomeBody

07 - Dig This

08 - E.F.F.E.C.T.

09 - Too Rough

10 - Shining

11 - You Make Me Feel

12 - 4 O' Clock

13 - Spinning Around

14 - You've Had It

15 - Rider

16 - Come On


(Please not these are only sample MP3s at a low quality bitrate. If you like the tracks go out and buy them)


World On Line April 2001

Jesus On E's

 The Soundtrack to the calssic Amiga demo 13 mad acid trippin .mod files

World On Line April 2001

95 Ravers Mix.mod

Totally mad 95 Rave stuff

World On Line Nov 2001

Happy Answer.mod

Bouncy Rave Stuff

World On Line Nov 2001

So Close To An E.mod

All out hardcore mental Rave stuff !

World On Line Nov 2001


MP3s on my hard drive


All downloads resume with Gozilla


  Message me to switch it on!  


Remove me from Gaz's Dj Mailing List


Download Instructions


If Left Click doesn't work: Right Click on the link and "Save Target As".   

Rename the downloaded file to .mp3 

If they won't play then rename to .zip or .exe then extract the file.


If you use Gozilla or Getright to download these files most should resume an easy way to get the files is to drag the Link directly into Gozilla. If Goziall doesn't start to download the file direclty press the "send back to browser" button and it should open another page where you can download it. (You must do this for files hosted on Tripod)


If the file is an MP3 or it has just been renamed to .pdf or .Gaz, you can drag the partially downloaded file into Winamp it will start to play even if its not complete. 


Instructions on how to change file types. Open the folder where your downloaded file is, click on "View" Then "Folder Options" Then "View" again and Untick "Hide File extensions of Known Files" If you did it right the .mp3 or .zip or whatever will now be visable and you will be able to rename it to .mp3


Please contact me if any of the links on this page are down so I can fix them Gaz


About Gaz's Mixes

Sadly I am not a proper DJ. I remix these tracks for fun. I don't even own a pair of decks or any vinyl. Therefore if you think there crap don't complain. The tracks were all made with combinations of the following software: Winamp, Sonic Foundary Acid, Soundforge and Dance E Jay 2. If you have any better mixing software please let me know. Some tracks may sound almost the same as the originals, but if you play them back to back you will notice they are definately not the same!


Note: .Mod files will play with Winamp.


This page was last updated: Thursday 29th November 2001

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