Useful Services

Best Gym in the area.

Dog Kennels and Grooming services.

Antiques - Linda Phillips Antiques.

01909 487550 or 07977830973

Builders - John Bishop. Tel: 01909 720745

(Recommended Builder by Dave)

Co-Op Electrical. Worksop Branch

01909 543902

Ask for Lindsay Phillips

 Carpet Cleaner

 01909 550007

(Best and Cheapest Carpet Cleaner in the Worksop area Reccomended by my mum)

Driving Instructor 

Steve Faulkner: 01909 482545

( I passed my test first time after 13 lessons with this bloke)

OCP Supplies

Best Computer shop in Worksop


Windows - Charm Windows.

10 Carlton Road
S80 1PH

01909 472731

Ask for Carl Gladwin.


Pizza, Pepies

01909 476600

 Pizza, Pronto

01909 501345

Plasteres - Wayne Marshall Plasterer.

01909 478925

Ask for John Bowering

Table Tennis Coach -  Mick Vessey.

279 Sandy Lane, Worksop, Notts. S80 1TL

 Tel: 01909 481977

Local Taxi Numbers

Worksop Test Centre

01909 480875

(Cheapest and best place in Worksop to get car parts & MOT's done)

Dock Tyers

(Cheapest and best place in Worksop to get new tyers, tracking and balancing)


This Page was last updated: Tuesday 06 November 2001