Things that Piss Gaz off



My Sister - Lindsay

Lindsay manages to piss me off more than anything. People that know her will understand why. Others that don't will just think I am being nasty for being horrible about my little sister. But believe me she is posessed by the Devil. The thing that pisses me off the most is the way that she treats our mum and dad. She is the most ungreatful person ever and takes everything and everyone for granted.



Why do fishermen have massive poles these days? I remember when I tried fishing years ago and no one except possibly sea fishermen and people on lakes had poles. It's the most stupid thing, but very funny to see when you go down the canal. They have there massive 12 foot rods raching right to the other side. Wouldn't it be easier to go to the other side and dangle a line in? Then they wouldn't need a rod at all. The only reason this pisses me off is because the footpath allong the side of the canal is supposed to be a "footpath" and national cycle trail. Ever tried getting down on your bike with all the poles laid across the path? Takes ages waiting for them to be moved, and some fishermen are too ignorant to even bother. I nearly had one put through the windscreen of my car once as some clever fisherman decided to stick it through the hedge. He must have forgott there was a road at the other side after all the excitement of staring at the float all day. It puzzles me why all of a sudden fishermen have started using the great big long poles now? The only conclusion is they must be easier to use than the normal rods, therefore making the sport less mentally taxing (if that's possible). So if your a fisherman who uses one of these poles on the canal your either thick or lazy in my oppinion.

People that slagg off and put down the place they come from. These are the people that think there better than everyone else. I know Worksop isn't the best town to live in, but some people slagg it off all the time as if there better than everyone else.


E.mail and Internet Stuff

People that send forward e.mails that have allready been forwarded a million times, and contain an attachment of the original e.mail. You know what I mean, the ones you get that have those bloody arrows all down one side, because the person who forwarded it was either to lazy or to dumb to know how to copy and paste text. Another thing with e.mails that gets on my nerves is when you can see everyone elses's e.mail address it has been sent to. How hard is it just to put everyones address into the Bcc box instead then we wouldn't get all that crap at the top.



People that do deals and promise to send CDs. I have started a black list (not that it will do any good, but it can be a warning for other people) For people who promise to send CDs but never do. I have lost CDs and a bit of money from beeing too trusting, but in the end it's that persons loss. Say I send £10 for some CDs and they never come I will never deal with that person again and neither will anyone I know. Therefore all they have gained is a measly tenner. However if they were decent people and sent what you paid for me and my friends would continue dealing with that person and their profit would come to allot more than a tenner. Disshonest people in general piss me off.


People that borrow stuff and never give it back

I can't count the number of games, CDs, videos etc I have lent to people. Most of the time there my mates. So wouldn't want to say anything to them about a few measly CDs. However when your lending your stuff to a few people it can become expensive. Therefore if I borrow something off someone I make sure I give it back as soon as I am done with it and not wait till that person has to ask for it back.


Pop Up Banner Adds, and adverts in general.

Every time I switch on the computer there they are.....Bloody pop up boxes trying to get my into dirty freds porn site for $6 Your a winner, click her to claim your free super delux prize. OK I understand companies need to advertise their goods, but can't the adverts I see at least be relevant? I live in england, all the cheap dollar offers mean shit to me. Also why would I want to buy

The people that pretnend to be young girls new to the internet. They allways send corny e.mails with the subject beeing "I'm missing you" form Then when you open it it either unleashes a torrent of new browser windows full of pay per view xxx, or a link to come and see me live newd in this webcam. It's free! But will only cost you $20 per month to join...Kind of defeats the meaning of the word "free" While I'm on the subject of nudity you must have seen those sites that are set out like the young girl has made them themsleves, a few pictures of her clothed, as you progress through the pages she takes a little more off in each picture, but just as you think it's going to get interesting "please type in your credit card number for payment of $30 monthly to". If I want to see pictures of naked girls I would go to a proper free site, there's plenty out there, or better still go to the local all night garage / newsagents and get me sen a copy of Escort.

Not being able to un-subscribe from mailing lists and getting xxx adverts constantly.

You know what I mean, every week or so you get that e.mail from the same place, you have replied with the subject "Remove" but that e.mail got returned because it was un-deliverable. Why do they think because I have never bought anything off them I will all of a sudden decide to get something just because they are shoving all the advertisements at me? If I want something I will go out and buy it.

Webmasters moaning about their links being stolen. Yeah I appreciate it's hard work, takes time and dedication to keep a top MP3 site up and running. However if they don't want someone to use the links on their site why not just password protect the files, or tag the files in some way so people know where they came from. It wouldn't take much doing.



People (Usually girls) that expect you to have a conversation with them whenever your on-line. I allways get "Hello how are you" then when I just reply "fine thanx" they get all stroppy and mardy because I havn't asked how they are or what there doing. Like as if I care? I have never met these people, don't even know what they look like and will never meet them in the future. So stop getting the arse on if I'm not interested in you. If your into the same stuff as me, or a good looking gir (unlikely or it would be a fake picture) then I might talk to you. Other than that I havn't got time. One other thing that annoys me on ICQ is foreign people. who try to talk to me, It's hard enogh trying to understand what people mean in english on it sometimes nevermind when they can't even say what they mean. Just don't even bother.



Expensive drinks - Why do clubs have extortionate prices on drinks? If they were priced reasonably I would spend allot more than I do. Whenever I go out now I have to drink like a fish in the pubs before I end up in the club because I know I won't want to pay those kind of prices for a drink. Ibiza is the ultimate example of this. around £4 just for a bottle of water. I would sooner die of de-hydration (and probably nearly did) than shell out that just for water. If beer in clubs I would spend loads more and have a much better time. But I guess the management of these places must be greedy because they know they have the monopoly because everywhere else that is liceneced to sell alcohol is closed.

Cheesy Music - Why do some Djs insist of playing cheesy chart crap? When I go to a club that's what I expect to do - Go clubbing. If I want to listen to that sort of stuff I would just borrow any girls CD collection. A little cheese is OK. infact it's quite good sometimes. However cheese all night followed by a bit of the harder stuff towards the end just isn't a good night for me. All the clubs I have been to that get allot of students are examples off this.

Taxi Prices

If taxis charged reasonably I would use them. But around £5 or more to get home from town which is only about 3 miles is stupid. I refuse to use taxi's unless I have to. I would sooner walk and do on most occasions.


Next Door Neighbours

Our next door neighbours don't even know how to work their car alarm and it goes off everytime they get in it. Another thing they do is beep their horn as they are driving away...what's the point? It's just annoying!


The B.A.G.G.S Golf Society

My job at Bondhay golf and county club would be a doddle and one of the easiest jobs ever if it wasn't for the Baggs society. I have never known people moan and complain about stuff so much in my life (Contradicting myself here I know seeing as this is a page just for me to moan about stuff). I don't care if they ever do read this, but they do seriously need to get a life. All they ever do is play golf and from what I can gather there not that great at it either. There just stuck up, ignorant, arrogant selfish people (The list is too big for all the bad stuff). And thats just the men, the women are 10 times worse! I would never take friends of mine to Bondhay if I knew the Baggs would be there.


Worksop Leisure Center

I found this post by Mike Hunt. Says everything I would say.
"I think that all the staff at worksop sports center are pig ignorant and if anyone visited from out of town they would never return." I agree entirely


The Post Office

Half day closing, don't work Sundays


Enough moaning. Click here to see what Improvements I think should be done to Worksop and the World in general


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