


All pubs and clubs should have a 24 hour licence. Nuff said! Tescos is open 24 hours now, but not allowed to sell alcohol after 11pm. How dumb is that. If we didn't have last orders there would be less violence because everyone wouldn't be leaving the pub/club at the same time. Also I wouldn't have feel so ill the day after from trying to get as much beer down my neck as possible before the pub shuts. ( To prove a point about violence I have never seen a fight abroad where the pubs are open all the time, but your almost guaranteed one every night in Worksop and surrounding areas ). Makes it more fun though when you see a good fight :)


Refuge Collection

Now people come round and collect waste paper for recycling why don't they do the same for glass bottles and cans? Collections could be every 3 or 4 months.


Web Sites

Every buisness and service should have it's own website so you can find all the information you need.


Identification Cards

Everyone should have an ID card. When I was younger one thing that got on my nerves was the thought of being asked for ID ( I hardly ever was ) but the point is all I had was my birth certificate to prove who I was and I didn't tend to carry that around with me. Even now I only have a student card with my picture on it. And they wonder why the IRA manage to blow stuff up as easy as they do. Come on, it's not hard. British security measures are preitty crap.


Co-Op, Worksop

Since The Co-Op in worksop has been closed I think it should be turned into a bowling ally. There have been suggestions for a sports complex, but I don't think that would work there. A new purpouse built site would be needed for a decent sports complex in worksop.


Mayfair Center, Worksop

I (along with a few other people) think this old shopping center should be turned into a cinema.