Gaz's Guide On Creating A WebsiteWebsite Instructions
After you have made all your pages in Frontpage or whatever editor you use to make .htm files you need somewhere to store them on the net so other people can see them. My favourite is It gives you 50Mb free in return for having their advert banners pop up on your site.
Once you have registered and have the space you need to upload your .htm files. The first page anyone will see that looks at your site is the index.htm file so make sure the first page you want people to see is called index.htm.
Basic: Use the Free Form guide on tripod. This automatically makes the .htm files on the site there and then. You just add the text, choose the colours etc. The only problem with this is it's not very customizable.
Novices: Upload your .htm files to Tripod by logging into the site then going to the file manager and selecting the files you want to upload off your hard drive.
Advanced: I use BulletProof FTP (File Transfer Program) to upload files to my webspace on tripod. To log-in to tripod with bulletproof you need to type in as the host. Then the password and username as usual. Once logged in you can see the directories and files on the site, just upload any files you want.
To update a webpage all you have to do is upload and over wright the page that needs updating.
For people to see your website they need to go to the following:
*The address isn't case sensitive and doesn't contain any spaces.
The first page you see is the 'index' page therefore the webpage files you upload need to contain a 'index.htm' file for a starting point to link to other pages.
To update and add pages to the site log-in at
Your username is: VagheggiBeauty
Your password is: magical
Once you click on the picture it links to
Hyperlink Instructions
Hyperlinking is used when you want the action of clicking on a picture or a section of text to open another page on the website. e.g on your main index page (see above picture) you can link to the next page called 'main.htm' by clicking on the text that says 'enter here' on the index page.
How to make hyperlinks:
In Microsoft FrontPage 2000 set out your page for how you want it to look on the website. Any picture you want to link to another page are inserted onto the page as normal, but then you right click on the picture and choose 'hyperlink' from the options. Here you will see the options for the type of hyperlink you wish to create. The most common is linking to another webpage. Where it asks you to insert your link it will start with http:// Therefore you just complete it with the link you want the picture to go to e.g